Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2 Review/Recap: Saving Caroline

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I waited all summer long to finally watch my shows. All my shows ended around the same time a few months ago. And now they are all back. Which is great, but I can't keep up! I have way too much television to watch. First world problems, am I right?

This episode was so good, it gives me hope for an Elena-less Vampire Diaries. It starts off 3 years later from our original story, with Caroline. She's running behind the scenes at a News station and is being her adorable bossy self. It's nice to see her doing something productive and non-vampire related. While she's at the station her assistant comes to her, informing Caroline that her fiance is on the phone. Apparently her 'fiance' wants to go back to Mystic Falls. Caroline exclaims to her confused assistant that her fiance knows they can't go back there.

Before you get excited, her fiance isn't Stefan. Booo! We find this out a little later after the first call when she gets another call, this time being Stefan. Caroline blows this call off, saying she never wants to hear that name again. What is going on?  If she isn't with Stefan, who is she with? If it isn't Stefan then it better be Klaus. I can't accept anybody else.

After Caroline yells at her assistant for the second time a wooden stake shoots him and her in the studio. I'm assuming it's from the bad ass vampire hunter we saw a glimpse of in the last episode. But I can't be sure over anything that is happening in these future scenes.

Back in our normal timeline, Caroline is kidnapped by Lillian and her heretics. They kidnapped her for revenge over their dead brother Malcom. Stefan confronts Damon, telling him it's all his fault that Caroline was taken. Which, no offense Damon, it is. Damon goes over to the house, ready to save Caroline from their vervain torture. But he can't even cross the threshold.

Apparently these heretics made our beloved Matt the owner of the Salvatore house. In the beginning of the episode reckless teenagers cross the Mystic Falls border to find 'ghosts'. They of course, are brutally murdered by the heretics. And Matt shows up a little too late to save the day and the heretics hit him unconscious. This is where they compel him to sign the deed and force Matt to not allow the Salvatore brothers in the house.

After Damon and his mother banter for a few moments, Damon goes back to Stefan. They include Bonnie in the situation and she turns to Matt. The only way they can get into the house is if they kill Matt. Which of course they can't do, he's the last human character left! Bonnie comes up with an idea to stop his heart with her magic for a few seconds to technically be considered dead. This lifts the spell on the house and Damon and Stefan immediately enter the house to try and save Caroline.

While Damon and Stefan are attempting to rescue Caroline, Bonnie is passed out while Matt lies dead. The seconds his heart was supposed to be stopped turned into minutes when Bonnie saw glimpses of dark magic.

This dark magic comes from the phoenix stone, the pretty pink stone we saw in the last episode. This stone has resurrecting powers. Alaric finally realizes he should talk to Bonnie about bringing back his dead wife. She is a close friend that also happens to be a powerful witch. Duh Alaric! After everything this little witch has gone through, this doesn't phase her and she agrees to look at the stone. But when she does, it gives her intense evil visions and vibes. Bonnie immediately tells Alaric to destroy it, as she has dealt with dark magic before, and refuses to humor the idea.

Alaric ultimately doesn't ruin the stone though. He almost does in his classroom, but decides against it. I don't really blame him. A desperate man isn't going to make the best decisions. Near the end of the episode he places this magical stone on a random corpse at the morgue to test it's abilities. And it works! Alaric quickly removes the stone from the man and he goes back to his final slumber. Proving the stone will work, but apparently you have to be touching it for it to continue.

Even though the stone was far away from Bonnie, she still saw strong images of all the evil the stone holds. So strong, she passes out. Thankfully she wakes up at the last moment to save Matt (don't kill my Matt, Bonnie). Matt is understandably pissed when he realizes he almost died. But really, how many times has he comes close to death? And he has died a couple times if I'm remembering right.

Back in the Salvatore house the boys are saving Caroline. Stefan runs to save his love, while Damon hangs back, waiting for his signal. But Damon leaves Stefan hanging when Enzo opens his big mouth and tells him that Damon's mother and her heretics are burying their dead brother Malcom where Elena is already. Damon runs to them and attempts to fight them but they are too powerful. His mother succeeds at stealing Elena and rubs it in her son's face. But she isn't going to destroy Elena's body surprisingly. She wants something in return for Elena's safe keeping. She tells Damon she wants him gone. As far away as possible from Mystic Falls. Pretty messed up that Lily stole her son's girlfriend's body as a bargain to get him away from her as far as possible. But hey, this isn't no ordinary mother.

Stefan rescues Caroline, for only a quick second. While the Salvatore brothers were trying to enter the house, the heretic Vivian put a spell on Caroline, making her skin feel like vervain when others touch her. Caroline at first thought it was awesome because the other heretics couldn't torture her, but she has second thoughts when Stefan can't touch her either. Stefan takes too much time figuring out how to release Caroline from the chain without touching her, and Enzo finds a way to keep Caroline in the house. He makes the maid the owner of the house (he must have spare deeds lying around?) and since both the vampires haven't been invited in, magic pulls them out of the house. Stefan is thrown through the window while Caroline is pulled down the stairs toward the door, and Enzo compels the maid to invite her in. Leaving them back in the beginning, with Caroline trapped and Stefan unable to cross the threshold.

Luckily the heretics are a little nicer to Caroline and trap her in the room, instead of chaining her up. She learns that Vivian, the heretic that put the spell on her, isn't what she seems. The other heretics prove this to her when they show one of Stefan's journals to her. In the journal he has an entry of meeting a woman named Vivian. Pretty weird, considering Stefan hasn't mentioned meeting any of these heretics before.

When Lily and her 'family' come back from the funeral she and Enzo have a weird moment. He asks her if she feels the same way toward Enzo that she feels toward her family. She tells him she does, and this disappoints him. He tells her he wants her to feel differently for him, and kisses her to tell her how he feels about her. Even though these characters are technically the antagonists, this scene is adorable. Lily is dumbfounded when he kisses her, but smiles when the shock wares off.

The episode ends with Stefan angry at Damon (what else is new) and confronting why he left Stefan and Caroline to fend for themselves. Damon tells his brother everything that happened between him and Lily. They realize that Lily plans to plot the brothers against each other. Luckily they realized this before it happened, and plan to pretend to be against each other. Damon is going to do what his mother asked and leave town while Stefan is going to act upset and angry at Damon's disappearance. While Damon is gone, he's going to look for a missing heretic, because apparently there are supposed to be six. They only know of five, including dead Malcom. Leaving us wondering where this heretic is and why isn't he following Lily around like a lost puppy? It's a good plan, but what plan has gone right in Vampire Diaries?

This episode was action packed, and it's such a bummer that Caroline still hasn't been rescued. I hope she figures a way out of this mess, these heretics are scary powerful. I'm inclined to see if Stefan and Damon can pull of their plan without really getting mad at each other. So many unanswered questions in this episode, I can't wait for episode 3!
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